Everything you’ve heard about modeling is true, and you haven’t heard
the half of it.
It’s glamorous.
It’s sexy.
And yes, the line between work and reality often blurs.
We’re not just prototypes of perfection. Models have feelings and desires, too. We may be genetically gifted, but we’re still human.
I’m only human. Yes, an extraordinary specimen that earns more in a day than most make in a year, but this eight pack didn’t create itself. I spend hours working on this body. The good looks just come natural. *Winks* Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I’m Danny Weston, Supermodel.
But one path was traded for another when I chose this career. Ten years later, I would trade my career to have it back. To have her back.
Reese Carmichael is the one woman I would give it all up for, and the only one I can’t have. Yet.
It’s glamorous.
It’s sexy.
And yes, the line between work and reality often blurs.
We’re not just prototypes of perfection. Models have feelings and desires, too. We may be genetically gifted, but we’re still human.
I’m only human. Yes, an extraordinary specimen that earns more in a day than most make in a year, but this eight pack didn’t create itself. I spend hours working on this body. The good looks just come natural. *Winks* Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I’m Danny Weston, Supermodel.
But one path was traded for another when I chose this career. Ten years later, I would trade my career to have it back. To have her back.
Reese Carmichael is the one woman I would give it all up for, and the only one I can’t have. Yet.
Talk is a sexy second-chance romance comedy standalone. The story of college
sweet hearts who are torn apart by dreams for success &
misunderstandings. Supermodel Danny, while
grounded & realistic about his career, he’s never stopped feeling the void his
college girlfriend left. Reese, buried
herself in an advertising career to distract herself from the love of her life she
was driven away from by a jealousy she didn’t fully understand. Ten years have passed & their paths cross
once again, but will they be able to pushback priorities to make room for each
other – they learned years ago that “Not all fairytales end with happily ever
in first person, from dual perspectives, with a few flash backs, this
second-chance romance has a deep love that feels like home & is full of
hope of new beginnings – that they will have a tomorrow, finally together &
“Ready for our forever.” But they have to fight for happiness together,
the struggle to put their relationship first continues to be real. Very sexy, “full sizzle” hot - with intent to “make you miss me when I’m not here…”
Fun supporting characters that made me giggle “Oh my Mary, Candy girl…”. Includes
a serious twist of addiction, personal vendettas & potential severe consequences
for careers & hearts – “Paying the
price for making a deal with the devil.”
“What was once hollow is now
overflowing with feelings, happiness, love, peace.”
audiobook review is given without having read the book previously. I love S.L.’s work & wanted very much to
enjoy the audio version of this story, but it was a struggle. I felt that the delivery of dialogue by the
narrators did not flow well. Many mechanical
feeling & wrongly timed pauses, for me there was a sense that
statements ended with question marks. As
the story progressed, these things seemed to either improve, or maybe I just
got used to them – perhaps a combination of both. It was difficult to identify shift from
present to flashbacks. Did I mention the
handful of mispronunciations? I’ve
listened to many, many audiobooks & this one took almost a week to get
through – which for me is unheard of.
A good story in spite of the disappointing audiobook - 4 stars for the story & 3 stars for the performance, brought this audiobook to 3.5 stars from me. “It’s too much and not enough.”
A good story in spite of the disappointing audiobook - 4 stars for the story & 3 stars for the performance, brought this audiobook to 3.5 stars from me. “It’s too much and not enough.”
Audiobook provided in exchange
for an honest review.

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