Nika Adams has had a challenging year. She gave her heart to Hunter Evans, only to have him break it. But Nika refuses to give up hope. Not when there's a chance she can save her true-love—even if she must save him from himself.
Julian Adams finally knows what he wants, and is truly happy. But when he gets mixed up in Nika's suicide mission to save her wayward boyfriend, he begins to wonder if his dream girl can handle the dangerous life that comes with being an Adams
From S.C. Stephens, The Beast Within starts right where The Next Generation leaves you. Told in first person, from dual perspectives, the continuation of this story will not disappoint. You'll appreciate way S.C. brings you back up to speed with all the players. Prepare to be entranced by bonds that may not always remain unbroken.
As Hunter Evans begins working through the reality of becoming what he's been taught to hate - "And who wouldn't struggle with becoming a bloodthirsty nightmare?" He will do what ever it takes to put things right, to avenge his lost soul, bring his unbeating heart peace & justice to this new life. In the meantime, Nika is left reeling with the remnants of a shattered heart, & feeling every moment of bliss her brother has with his new love, through their ever present emotional bond.
This story paranormal romance has it all, love, romance, action, surprise twists & an ending that will keep you begging for more. Heartbreak like no other "Even though we could both potentially live for several millennia, there was no future for us." Deciding whether to fight, or to let go for self preservation & that of the one held most dear. Dealing with loss - "My entire life swept away in one painful bite, replaced by a life I barely recognized, and didn't want."
So much emotional turmoil, "I felt lost as I stared into her eyes. I also felt found." - your heart will race, you will get choked up, giggle, worry & feel relieved - all while these characters are learning to accept the new normal & coming to understand that the most important bonds aren't always what you might expect. Delivering heartbreak & breaking bonds between one another to protect those they love the most, even if - "Her ache was my ache." Surviving betrayal & abandonment of the worst kinds. Loving the family who live & fight & put their lives on the line for one another, without thinking twice. "So long as my undead heart still had life in it, I would use it to protect them. They were all that mattered now."
Have I mentioned how great it is that S.C. throws in some pretty funny dialogue along the way - "Wow, I was about to get staked, just like in some lame vampire flick." LOVE ~ I love that these characters continue to grow & learn life lessons - you can't hate what you don't understand "...see past the species, to the person beneath it." That they continue to care even when they think they shouldn't & begin to find the beauty in the darkness. I couldn't get enough of the strong family ties "Family is important. It's possibly the most important thing there is." I simply can't wait to read more ~ Family is Forever: The Conversion Series Book #6 coming next year
"I'm not scared of you. I'm in love with you."
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Amazon US/UK
Julian Adams finally knows what he wants, and is truly happy. But when he gets mixed up in Nika's suicide mission to save her wayward boyfriend, he begins to wonder if his dream girl can handle the dangerous life that comes with being an Adams
From S.C. Stephens, The Beast Within starts right where The Next Generation leaves you. Told in first person, from dual perspectives, the continuation of this story will not disappoint. You'll appreciate way S.C. brings you back up to speed with all the players. Prepare to be entranced by bonds that may not always remain unbroken.
As Hunter Evans begins working through the reality of becoming what he's been taught to hate - "And who wouldn't struggle with becoming a bloodthirsty nightmare?" He will do what ever it takes to put things right, to avenge his lost soul, bring his unbeating heart peace & justice to this new life. In the meantime, Nika is left reeling with the remnants of a shattered heart, & feeling every moment of bliss her brother has with his new love, through their ever present emotional bond.
This story paranormal romance has it all, love, romance, action, surprise twists & an ending that will keep you begging for more. Heartbreak like no other "Even though we could both potentially live for several millennia, there was no future for us." Deciding whether to fight, or to let go for self preservation & that of the one held most dear. Dealing with loss - "My entire life swept away in one painful bite, replaced by a life I barely recognized, and didn't want."
So much emotional turmoil, "I felt lost as I stared into her eyes. I also felt found." - your heart will race, you will get choked up, giggle, worry & feel relieved - all while these characters are learning to accept the new normal & coming to understand that the most important bonds aren't always what you might expect. Delivering heartbreak & breaking bonds between one another to protect those they love the most, even if - "Her ache was my ache." Surviving betrayal & abandonment of the worst kinds. Loving the family who live & fight & put their lives on the line for one another, without thinking twice. "So long as my undead heart still had life in it, I would use it to protect them. They were all that mattered now."
Have I mentioned how great it is that S.C. throws in some pretty funny dialogue along the way - "Wow, I was about to get staked, just like in some lame vampire flick." LOVE ~ I love that these characters continue to grow & learn life lessons - you can't hate what you don't understand "...see past the species, to the person beneath it." That they continue to care even when they think they shouldn't & begin to find the beauty in the darkness. I couldn't get enough of the strong family ties "Family is important. It's possibly the most important thing there is." I simply can't wait to read more ~ Family is Forever: The Conversion Series Book #6 coming next year
"I'm not scared of you. I'm in love with you."
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Amazon US/UK

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