Twenty-two years ago, I was cut from a cold, sodden womb, and cradled in the filth and poverty of Chicago’s concrete arms. Statistically, I wasn’t supposed to survive these streets past the age of eighteen.
Fate had a different plan.
I was bred for one purpose and one purpose only: to unleash death and destruction on my world.
My thoughts are power.
My words are weapons.
Evil created me then grace tried to save me. But first… they tried to kill me.
They call themselves the Se7en. They are sin and salvation, and everything we’ve feared from the beginning of time. And their leader is the deadliest of them all.
He doesn’t lose.
He doesn’t compromise.
And most importantly, he doesn’t distract himself with mortal weakness.
Not until me.
Kill one to save a million.
That’s what he told me when he took me as his prisoner.
Kill one to save a million.
That’s what he’s been trying to tell himself ever since he took me into his arms.
Born Sinner by S.L. Jennings, the first book in her
Se7en Sinners series. Told in third
person, from dual perspectives, & set on the south side of Chicago - this
paranormal romance hits the ground running.
Action, mystery, disturbingly evil with erotically steamy moments that “…could melt the bulletproof glass just by
squeezing my thighs…” ~ all will leave you squirming in your seat. “Sinful
yet sweet.” Friendships are forged, only
to expose betrayals of the deepest kind.
“…steeped in secrets and myth…” Protectors, possession & love are found
between the born sinner & ambassador of evil “You were bred for destruction. I was sent to stop you.” during a
time where they are “…different, yet
kindred in so many ways.”- in pursuit of an ever evolving purpose – to save
human souls “Lost souls like him…and
me.” A story of trust, forgiveness,
saving souls & becoming worthy of salvation, of power “It’s what you do with that power that sets you apart.” The ultimate battle of light versus dark –
where Eden “…would stand and fight,
despite her mortal weakness. Despite her destiny. She would fight…” Secrets
& a shocking fate are revealed, with a cliffhanger that will have you ready
for more. Be ready to “…to usher in the End of Eden.”, book
two of the Se7even Sinners series.
all sinners…Some of us just sin differently than others.”
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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