Landing a writing gig in Hollywood was just as difficult as becoming an actor, and something Claire Becker had learned the hard way.
Sure, she didn’t have to conform to ridiculous beauty standards and give up her love for raw cookie dough, but the sting of rejection burned all the same. The only things that kept her sane were her two amazing roommates and her guilty pleasure—writing fan-fiction.
Getting lost in her own world, she’d forget that she had yet to land her dream job, and instead spent time with her dream man—Nick Larsson. Well, at least in the literary sense. Too bad he wasn’t aware or an active participant—her fictional love life, outstanding.
Tall, good-looking and sexy beyond comprehension, Nick Larsson not only had a famous last name—and four equally smoldering brothers—but was talented beyond belief. A star on the rise with a critically acclaimed series, his body and face were what fantasy scripts—and dreams—were made of. Made for some pretty steamy writing opportunities too.
And yes, it was probably “wrong” for Claire to objectify him, but it wasn’t like anyone knew about it. Just her, and her two amazing, supportive roommates.
Or at least they were amazing and supportive, and bound to be missed after Claire killed them.
In a moment of unexplained insanity, one of them —or both, each as bad as the other—sent her latest installments to the man himself.
Cue panic of epic proportions.
All Claire needed to do was sneak into his apartment and retrieve the misappropriated story before Nick, or anyone else, read it and mistook her for a creepy stalker. Although, breaking and entering probably wouldn’t convince anyone to the contrary either.
Claire was going to get the best material of her life, or end up with a restraining order. Either way, the story was getting a hell of lot more interesting.
#1 Muse by T. Gephart, book 5 in her #1 series, this contemporary romance can be read as a standalone - which is exactly what I did. Funny "Sure, I could diet, work out six hours a day, and become a size zero, but I valued joy, happiness and cookie dough over a skinny ass." sexy & sweet this angsty romance will not disappoint.
Set in the mecca of Hollywood & all the demands of the entertainment industry. Making her way to the forefront of screenwriters, Claire can use all the help she can get "Nick inspired me, excited me, and lit a fire in me I hadn't experience in a while. He was...My. Muse." Just like Nick, this story is "...definitely flirty. And charming. And sexy. And playful. Super hot as well." full of all the things, love & friendship should be. There are bumps before it's all said & done - "Lust, love, anger, hurt, confusion and passion..." working through trust & doubt, testing whether dreams can come true.
I loved the flirty banter. The supporting character friendships that are loyal, endearing & heartwarmingly sweet. Funny & entertaining, a great read!
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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