The only thing about me that’s a size zero is the filter on my mouth. I’ve got a big personality, a big rack, and a big number on the scale. And I’m perfectly fine with that.
But when some random guy suggests I might not be eating alone if I’d ordered a salad instead of a hamburger I’m shocked silent, which is a feat, trust me.
That brings us to one sexy fireman named Frankie Hartigan. He’s hot. He’s funny… And he’s just apologized for being late for our “date” then glared at the fat-shaming jerk. Next thing I know, he’s sitting down and ordering himself dinner.
I have no problem telling him I don’t need a pity date . . . unless of course it’s to my high school reunion next week. Oops where did that last bit come from? And what do I do now that he’s said yes?!
Because this is no make-over story, and I think Frankie is using me for something. I just have to figure out what…

Muffin Top by Avery Flynn - book two of her The Hartigan's series, A story of defining love in your own eyes ~ don't miss reading the dedication- completely sets the tone for this fast paced funny, sexy & sweet read.
Second in the series, this hot contemporary romance, like the book before, is the perfect mix of hilarious wit, heartfelt romance & sultry hot sexiness "This wasn't foreplay. This was a religious experience." I love Lucy (not the show) & not only her fierce confidence, but the way she can give "...a look that managed to say "oh shit" and "keep your mouth shut" at the same time. Now that was skill." Franky is a fire fighting workaholic who loves the ladies as much as they love him "His eyes did that thing again that made her ovaries volunteer as tribute." While he's taking time off from one, he's decided to put himself in a time-out from the other. These characters face insecurities, self-doubt & self imposed survival mechanisms together, to find a new perspective on life & to learn to "Stop being so cautions and live a little" Supporting family & friends you'll love. With a twist or two that will give insight to how these characters became who they are.
I just love all of the mental sarcasm & snarky humor - Adore the natural instinct to protect those you love & enjoyed the intrigue & angst to see what would be revealed of the past & the future.
Can't wait for Tomboy coming January 2019!
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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